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(Fig.1). Sardinian also has structures named "fairy houses" or "spirit homes." Archaeologists believe ancient Nuraghe people carved chambers out of these rocks to act as burial crypts. Although the Nuraghe did place their dead inside these structures and sealed them off with boulders, I don't believe they were responsible for the majority of carving. I think these are the work of considerably older culture that who utilised natural openings throughout the flora like tunnels as they carved them into dwellings. 

Cardedu, Sardinia, Italy

Cardedu, Sardinia, Italy

Cardedu, Sardinia, Italy

(Fig.4&5). We can still make out some of the cell block structure that surrounds the transfuse tissue.

Cardedu, Italy

(Fig.6). We don't have to travel to far to see some far more impressive block structure in Norba on the western edge of the Volscian Mountains, Italy. The town is situated on a cliff with a view over the Pomptine Marshes. In the images below we can see some awe-inspiring structures, historians, and philosophers once believed a race of giant humans called the Cyclopes built them. We can see very similar cyclopean polygonal construction here compared to what we see at the pre-Inca sites. Areologists about these structures understand very little; they presume that the Roman Empire built all the remaining structures here.

Norba, Italy

Sardinia, Italy

The remains cyclopean structures surround Rome. We can see some noticeable similarity between what we have here in Italy and Cusco, Peru.  Alatri, Ferentino, Segni, Sezze, Veroli and Arpino, Norba, Cori, Amelia in nearby Umbria, Orbetello and Roselle in Tuscany and Alba Fucens in Abruzzo, are surrounded by structures that exhibit forms of the cyclopean polygonal blocks. You can see that this area was occupied for long periods just by looking at the construction, cutting and carving.   

Cappadocia, Turkey

(Fig.2). We have some very similar carved dwellings in eastern Anatolia, Turkey. The carved abodes in Cappadocia have as many as ten levels. It is estimated that this ancient underground city could have housed ten thousand people. 

The underground city was unearthed in late 2014. The subterranean city was discovered by a Turkish Housing Development Administration; it was found when moving earth to construct new buildings. Workers identified networks of tunnels connecting the underground dwellings.



Consider what some authorities tell us about these 'Inca' built structures; the nature of the construction is inconceivably advanced or un-replicable with modern tools and understanding. The people who built these structures had limited time, resources, primitive tools, and a lack of available workforce due to farming constraints. 


 Mysterious Potions, aliens, and gods, or; having the ability to create surfaces smoother and more precise than we can achieve with modern technology by bashing stones together while having absolutely no concept of level or plumb? We can see the same mentality in the claims that virtually identical structures are cattle kraals, observatories, and ancient fortresses depending on the location and the authority in charge.  


Excavations made in 1946 showed that a lot of the local caves were occupied by this culture in the Middle Paleolithic Age 20,000 - 15,000 BC.  Throughout its known history, Eğil was the foundation of many civilisations. The tombs of Assyrian kings still stand despite the length of time.

(Fig.3). Eğil is an Assyrian town located in the northwest of the county of Diyarbakιrand that overlooks the Tigris River and is known as the city of prophets.

Here we have examples of extensive carving and cell-block structure


Figure 1.

Figure 2.

Figure 3.

Figure 4.

Figure 5.

Figure 6.

Biological Signatures  


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